The Fourth Global Coral Bleaching Event

On 15th April 2024, the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the Fourth Global Bleaching Event. Under their roles at the ICRI Secretariat, Francis (Global Coordinator) and Tom (Strategic Adviser) were invited by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (ISSD) to submit a guest article emphasising the urgent need to act #ForCoral.

The announcement confirming the fourth global bleaching event, supported by the Blue Pangolin Consulting team, highlighted that bleaching had been recorded on coral reefs in over 50 countries, and called for global action in response to this global event. 

A map presenting the maximum Bleaching Alert Levels reached since the beginning of 2023. Credit: NOAA Coral Reef Watch

This bleaching event underscores the tremendous stress that coral reefs currently face, both from climate change and local drivers of loss, and that as the frequency, and intensity, of bleaching events is expected to increase, Francis and Tom emphasised the need to support and develop a rich suite of solutions that promote the conservation, protection, and resilience of coral reefs. 

The article’s messaging is underpinned by a sense of hope, that indeed, corals can recover, if they are given time to do so, and the coral reef community continues to be dedicated to safeguarding the future of coral reefs – and those that depend on them. This highlights the critical role of ICRI, its operational network, the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, and global mechanisms such as the Coral Reef Breakthrough

The Blue Pangolin team will continue to give a voice for coral reefs because now, more than ever, we need to act #ForCoral

Blue Pangolin Consulting Ltd acts as the Designated Administrative Representative to the international Coral Reef Initiative

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