Enhancing the Protection of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Region

In May 2022, Blue Pangolin Consulting signed a contract with the Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) for the Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean.

The contract will see the assessment of previously implemented MAVA Foundation M7 Project Phase II, between 2017 and 2020, through an established partnership of Mediterranean-wide organisations. Building on the previous Phase, Blue Pangolin Consulting will also work in close collaboration with the partnership to develop the project’s Phase III to protect and enhance marine turtles in the region alongside crafting resources to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project.

This consultancy has three central aims:

  • To define and monitor the impact measure of the project’s Phase II, realising the 2022 objective whereby 2022 50% of all nesting sites should meet favourable conditions for nesting, through project impact assessments
  • Build and elaborate a communication and fundraising toolkit for the long-term sustainable implementation of Phase III and the Partnership
  • Guide and facilitate partners to develop the project framework to protect, maintain, and restore marine turtle populations in the Mediterranean from 2023 – 2026.

This contract will see close coordination with leading marine turtle conservation organisations, pan-Mediterranean initiatives and MPA managers throughout the region: Archelon, Dekamer, MedPan, MedAsset, National Marine Park of Zakynthos (N.M.P.Z.) , SPA/RAC, WWF, North Cyprus Society for the Protection of Turtles (SPOT).

Learn more about the project >>







Evaluation, Project development, Technical Support
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