Formulation Mission for Marine and Coastal Regions of West Africa

In January 2022, Blue Pangolin Consulting signed a contract with Landell Mills International Ltd, to support the formulation mission of a future project from the European Union focusing on the marine and coastal regions of West Africa.

The project, “Ocean governance, sustainable blue economy, coastal management and marine conservation and restoration in West Africa”, will cover an area from Mauritania to Nigeria and will comprise the 3 following components:

  • Result 1: Strengthening Ocean governance, regional cooperation and coordination on policies, monitoring, control and surveillance and legal proceedings
  • Result 2: Support sustainable Blue Economy through Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) to promote sustainable and climate-resilient blue economy value chain, green infrastructures in coastal zones, etc.
  • Result 3: Conservation and restoration of coastal and marine resources and ecosystems.

During the implementation of this project, Francis will be leading the position of “Coastal and Marine Conservation and Resilience Expert”.

As part of this contract, field missions took place in Senegal (meeting of the Working Group on Marine Protected Areas in the Abidjan Convention region), Ivory Coast, and Ghana.




West Africa

Marine Protected Areas, Project development
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